Bonjour, ça a été assez calme par ici depuis un bout de temps, je travaille beaucoup au boulot la journée, et le soir sur des projets dont je parlerai plus tard. Pour l'instant, pour vous allêcher, je mets des détails d'une grande illus réalisée pour un super projet aux USA, secret pour l'instant, dont je vous parlerai très bientôt. A suivre pour la voir en entier.___________________________
Hi there, I've been quite silent for a while over here. I've been pretty busy lately, I have a lot of work during the day, animating, and my evenings are filled with other projects that I'll talk about later. For the moment, as a teasing, I show you some details of a bigger painting for a very exciting (but secret) project happening in US that I've been involved with. I'll tell you about it very soon! Stay tunned to see the whole piece!

Wow dude!
This is awesome!
C'est très intriguant tout cela...
Vivement un éclaircissement !
aweesome! cant wait to see more!
This is so cute! Wonderful work!
Sylvain, you never disappoint. Amazing, amazing work man.
Wow, I just came across your blog from the 'cocotte minute' site. Your work is amazing. I'm hooked, I'll be back to this blog often, keep up the good work. Thanks for the inspiration!
Tous tes dessins sont vraiment MAGNIFIQUES!
princesse camcam
I'm in LOVE with your piece! May I ask, is it digital/traditional/mixed medium?
Looks fantastic-show more!
wait&see... En tout cas ca defonse!
Bonnes ambiances...
j'attends =)
JE suis toujours autant admirative, j'ai hâte de voir le resultat!
hi dear Sylvain!
i have started my blog this days and i like to have your comment about that:)
And those are only the details... The "big piece" is even better!;)
Congrats for the great work you do (and shown here).
misère, c'est tellement beau >__<
WhOaw! It's great. Looking forward to see the whole piece!
your art is truly inspiring. So much character in your illustrations.
That's a beautiful piece! ;)
Amazing stuff!
Your life drawing is just amazing. And of course everything else. Very creative.
Beautiful work here! Great job!!
Oh they are so cute Sylvain!! :)
How's it going? Congratulations for Cocotte! Yay!
The colors are really awesome well done.
c'est quand on tombe par hasard sur un blog comme le tient que parfois on se dit que la nature est mal faite !!! c'est pas juste...
chui fan...bouhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Nice, subtle sense of color and light.
C'est long... mais ça a l'air très chouette ^^
Juste une question me taraude, ce serait pas un projet réalisé avec Rose à petits poids ??? Vivement la suite !
O_O!!! Sylvain! Is that for the Totoro Forest Project? :D
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