Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This will be an other Sketchtravel-related post, as the last chapter is about to be written soon..
(New real posts will hopefully come soon again. Thank you for your patience!)

The final Art auction is coming on October 17th in Brussels and you can find all the details about it on the brand new SketchTravel website.
One of the important things SketchTravel has done, thanks to Gérald and Dice, was to create a diverse and amazing community of artists from around the world, but even more importantly the project’s goal is to build one library ($20k) and sponsor one local children’s book publishing ($15k) in developing countries. 
Indeed, all the benefits will go to Room to Read, an international non-profit dedicated to increase child literacy in such parts of the world.
It would be great if you could support in anyway you can this wonderful project. There are different ways to give a hand:
1) Donate to Room to Read.
2) Visit and “like” SketchTravel’s Facebook page.
3) Re-share this information to spread the word.

Thank you for your support everyone!