Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Guess what's on our desk...waiting...

More about it soon...


RAWLS said...

uhhhh.... can I have it?!?!

Gerald said...

Have some fun Sylvain ! You too Veronique ! The world is watching (no pressure)

Andre Barnwell said...

Wonderful! I hope the entries are at least shown online or at a gallery in the future.

Maïlys said...

j'sais pas vous mais nous ça nous a bien foutu la trouille s't'affaire, bon courage avec ce monstre :) on a hate de voir ce que vous concoctez niahahaha ;)

Polyminthe said...

Andre-don't worry, a book will be published on the project. That why it was decided not to show the drawings anymore, to keep the interest and not kill the project before it's finished.
Mailys-tu m'etonnes, il trone sur la table du salon et on tourne autour les mains moites :)

Nénent said...

je suis super impatient de voir ce que tu vas "nous" faire ! sans te mettre la pression hein ^^

mahmood mokhtari said...
