Saturday, February 09, 2008



Glenn said...

Inspiring sketches as always Sylvain :)

pierre ledain said...

c'est vraiment super beau,enfin quand je dis ça je veux dire il y a vraiment un truc qui se dégage de chacun de ces croquis,je suis resté scotché à les regarder,ouais en fait j'arriverai pas à dire autre chose que c'est vraiment beau à regarder ces croquis.

Unknown said...

beautiful drawings!

Eva Vázquez said...

Impresionante de verdad

AstridMueller said...

I love your sketches! Especially the one of the guy in the airplane. Nice graphic appearance too, with the added ticket. And very neat idea to show the hands detached from the body!

Happy Potato Greetings,

Polyminthe said...

thanks potatomamma,
I didn't really have the choice to separate the hands from the body though: there was the sketchbook folding right in the middle. But this is the perfect example when constraint helps creativity I guess..

Raluca said...

monseur:great sketches..I´m so impressed;especially the ante derniere is really one of a kind(the one with the authentic british stiker!).Touche!

Gato Casero said...

tes sketches sont trés jolie!! je ne sais pas pourquoi, me quand je vois tes sketches, je pense en James Jean!! jajaj, ce tout.

Au revoir