Eh ben voilà, ce dont j'ai commencé à parler il y a quelques temps vient d'être révélé au monde! Il s'agit donc du
Totoro Forest Project, un excitant projet auquel j'ai été invité à participer, avec 200 autres artistes. Il sagissait de réaliser notre propre vision de Totoro, inspirée par le film de maître Miyazaki. Les oeuvres seront exposées à Pixar (et certaines au San Fransisco Cartoon Art Museum), ou elles seront vendues aux encheres, et les bénéfices reversés au
National Trust Totoro Forest Foundation, pour la protection de la forêt de Sayama, qui n'est autre que la forêt de Totoro! Forêt menacée bien sur... Ensuite, un livre sera édité avec l'ensemble des oeuvres, que vous pouvez voir sur le
site officiel. Merci à Dice Tsutsumi, Yukino Pang, Enrico Casarosa et Ronnie del Carmen pour cette généreuse initiative et pour m'avoir invité! Et merci à ma véro pour ses avis avisés..._____________________________________________
Few weeks ago, I teased about a secret projet that was revealed to the world today! It's the Totoro Forest Project, an exciting project I was honored to take part of, with 200 other artists. We had to give our own vision of Totoro, inspired by the film of master Miyazaki. An exhibition and an aunction will take place in Pixar (and some of the pieces will be shown at the San Fransisco Cartoon Art Museum) and the money raised will be donated to the National Trust Totoro Forest Foundation , to protect the endangered Sayama forest, Totoro's forest... Then, a book will be published with all the pieces you can now see on the official website. Thanks to Dice Tsutsumi, Yukino Pang, Enrico Casarosa et Ronnie del Carmen who are at the origin of this generous project, and for inviting me!________________________________________________
Voici donc ma participation et sa description..
Here is my piece and its description..

Totorus grandiflora
31.66x41.9 cm
(3739x4949 pixels)
Mixed (pencil, watercolor, ink) but then mainly digital (photoshop).
This piece is partly based on the circular greenhouse you can find in Strasbourg's botanical garden (East of France).
A really beautiful greenhouse, really intimate, that I specialy love.
I love greenhouses anyway, the light and plants are usually unique, and the impression inside is magical. I like the mix of nature and artificial elements
such as the lables with scientific names, pipes, taps, garden hoses...
But in a way, it's a bit like puting nature in a box, like zoos do for animals. It's sound like the last hope for nature in case it desapears completely.
So that could really be the last shelter of the nature spirit as well.
That's what I wanted to show...It's a bit sad in a way, but it would be totally hopeless if totoro wasn't giving an acorn to the children..The hope.
I won't explain further more, Miyazaki already did it way better than me, with his masterpiece.__________________________________________
Quelques gribouillis...
Some doodles...

Et le mot de enrico Casarosa
ici. And enrico Casarosa's word